Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Fantasy Faire Ends

 Unless there's been the rarity of the sims lasting into the early morning, then sometime last night, the Fairelands became closed to the public. Tuesday May 7 would have no major events, official or unofficial. The people were looking around the scenery one last time, finishing the Fairelands Quest, doing some last minute shopping, or just chatting with other Fairelands fans about the Faire, and maybe previous ones. 

It's been quite a fun time, exploring the detailed sims, running into numerous fantasy avatars.

 And doing the Fairelands Quest, of which this year was baking a magic cake for the Bard Queen.

And got it done, and heard the conclusion of the story. 

It's sad that the sims are gone. But the Faire will be back next year. And for the Relay, the events go on. This Friday is the Relaystock. The Sunweavers have their Ren-Faire later this month. And next month is the Relay Weekend and it's track. 

Goodbye Fairelands, see you next year,

Bixyl Shuftan

Cartoon of The Day: Using The Force

 Taken at the RFL Sunbeamer team meeting. Kylee looked like she was levitating a carrot at one point. As the day before was May the Fifth (be with you), perhaps she was trying to use Jedi powers on it. 

By Bixyl Shuftan


EOTB: Applications Now Being Accepted for SL21B "Shop And Hop"


The SL21B Shop & Hop event is the official multi-region shopping event of the 21st annual Second Life birthday celebration. This event brings together many of the top merchants across SL for exclusive items and discounts on some of the best creations in Second Life.

Last year for the SL20B, for the first time there were two separate shopping areas, with a smaller one with adult-themed shopping sims. It will be the case again this year.

Those interested in opening up a store at the SL21B Shop and Hop will need to fill out an application on Google docs (here).  Setting up will take place from June 7 to June 10, and merchants are required to give one free gift out for people, regardless if they're in the store group or not. And there has to be a 20% discount on all items. Political references are to be avoided. The shops themselves cannot be used to promote items available only at other locations. And applying does not guarantee a spot.
Merchants interested in taking part only have a few days to apply. The deadline to apply to be a part of the SL21B Shop and Hop is Sunday May 12. 
The theme for this year's SLB is "Elements."  And for those interested in setting up an exhibit, applications are currently being accepted, but there are only a few days left to do so, until Sunday May 12. For those wishing to be volunteer staff, applications are also being accepted, also until Sunday May 12. For those wishing to be performers, there is more time for applications to be accepted, until Friday May 31.

There are typically four "Shop and Hop" events a year: Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, and the Second Life Birthday. 

For the blog post in full, Click Here

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: TBA

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Snowy, DJ Mattie, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Roller Disco

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Anthros and Ferals

Xanadu: DJ Jesse  

Moon Dance: DJ Cynthia 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Fantasy Faire Winding Down

 Sunday was the last day of the official events at the Fantasy Faire. Very early in the morning was the last DJ at the Fairechylde, and later in the day were the auctions. But the sims would still be open for two more days. So came an unofficial event that's become a Faire tradition: The Final Ravedown.

They investigamated the poster carefully. Old friends, new friends. still no glowsticks of DOOM, still disclaimer about litterboxes. All of this was to be expected. But what caused an excited chorus of chitters was the ginormous pink creature with stunning neon green accessories. It was Her Toadine Excellence Tammy, boldly wielding the Forbidden Stick of Glow! Ohh, what would the Pawlice say? What would they do if they found the secret R A V E (Ridiculous Assemblage of Vroomy Entities)?
The critters decided that this year the secret must be better kept! Fortunately it’s not like the posters were littered through the Fairelands nor posted allover for the Fairelanders to see. All was well. Nothing would happen. Definitely not at 11 AM SLT to 9 PM SLT. False rumors, surely! The super secret location would absolutely not be leaked and spread through all the chats, everything was going exactly as planned. By… someone. Somewhere, sometime, somefaire.

There were dozens of avatars at the party, which lasted from 11 AM to past 9PM SL time. The idea was that the event was supposed to be secret. So in Fairelands chat, people kept talking along the lines of "business meeting, no party here."

Yours truly didn't stick around at the party "that never happened" for long. There was just too much still to see before time ran out.

Plus time was running out to do the Fairelands Quest, and listen to other questers talk about ways to cook pelicans.

Today is the last day to see the sims. While it's *possible* they'll remain up tomorrow morning, most likely they'll start to become inaccessible to people porting in tonight. 

Bixyl Shuftan


RFL Sunbeamers: Results For "Bid Denise Pink"

Almost lost in the hustle with the air show and the announcement that the team had hit the one million Linden mark, it was announced by Sunbeamer Captain Rita Mariner that DeniseUnicorn Toonie's "Bid Me Pink" fundraiser had concluded and the two kiosks had their totals finalized. The results were announced on Sunday May 5. The event had raised a total of 11,700 Linden dollars.
Bid Me Results for DeniseUnicorn
Denise bid to go cow.

Stay herself:  50L

To go PINK COW:   11,650L

Denise goes PINK COW, for 2 weeks. Until MAY 18th 

There are still three "Bid Me" fundraisers going on for the Sunbeamer team: Skylark "Snowy" Lefavre's "Bid Me Tricolor Fox," Brian's "Bid Me Pink," And Rita's "Bid Me Pink and Purple." They are scheduled to end on Saturday April 18, 202

The kiosks for the fundraisers are at Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).
Go Sunweavers! Go Relay!
Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, May 6, 2024

Lab Gab: Oberwolf Explains The Sale of Tilia

 In a special episode of Lab Gab on Friday April 26, Strawberry Linden interviewed Oberwolf Linden, the Executive Chairman of Linden Lab, about the recent announcement that Linden Lab was selling Tilia. 

So why is the Lab selling Tilia? In short, money. He explained it was "costing us millions and millions of dollars to run it." While bringing in other online places brought in some revenue, it wasn't enough to cover it's costs. So he was looking for someone to buy it, under some conditions, "The number one criteria was would they continue to support Second Life. ... That was more important than anything else I looked at. The second criteria was what could that company bring to Tilia that we could bring to Second Life." He was soon introduced to the CEO of Thunes, and in just twenty one days, "which is lightning fast and shows a few things," they were able to make a deal. It still needs Federal approval, which could take some time. 

More information is in the Youtube.

Bixyl Shuftan


Smoke Texan, Part Owner of 9/11 Memorial, Has Died

 It was announced in the Echovets group in Second Life that Smoke Texan had recently passed away.
We lost a brother.... Many of you know that Smoke Texan passed away last week on May 2nd. Smoke served in the U.S. Marine Corps with honor. He was also a 9/11 rescue worker. His longtime partner Foxxy (Checkers.firelight) has started working on a memorial service in memory of, and in honor of his life.

Smoke Texan was among the people who was helping to keep the Stagg Island 9/11 Memorial up after it's owner passed away. He also made a 9/11 memorial track in 2019. In group chatter, it was also mentioned he was a DJ at some clubs. Echovets leader Stacy Lee (Stacy Maracas) would say, "He and Foxxy were apart of us when we first started.  He was a good dude, and a good brother.  They will be keeping his 9/11 honor sim up and running in his memory." 

There will be a memorial service for him soon.

Bixyl Shuftan

Weekend in Brief

 It was quite a weekend. Saturday May the 4rth saw the tenth annual Sunbeamer Air Show for the Relay for Life. Despite schedule problems, organizer Cynthia Farshore managed to get two squadrons to take part and during the music event with DJ Kayla and the Roos, it was announced that the Sunbeamer team had crossed the one million Linden mark.

The Fantasy Faire was still going on (and still has a couple days left), and other Relay events took place as well. No doubt there were some "Star Wars Day" and Cinco de Mayo events as well. Sadly there was also a death reported. Smoke Texan, one of the people behind a large 911 memorial had passed.

More on these stories, and more, later.

Bixyl Shuftan


Sunday, May 5, 2024

RFL Team Sunbeamers Hit One Million Linden Mark. Reach Emerald Level

 Yesterday, the Relay for Life's Team Sunbeamers held their tenth annual air show, with the help of two squadrons, DJ Kala and the Roos, and other Relayers who dropped by. This would also be the day this Relay season the team would reach the one million Lindens raised mark, or about $4000 USD in real money. 
As of the writing of this article, the Sunbeamers have raised a total of 1,020,842 Linden dollars, or $4,083.37 US dollars.

The Sunbeamers are currently ninth among the 181 Relay Teams. In first place is TAP - The Adult Partnership, which has raised 4,657,000 Linden dollars/ $18,628 USD, at Purple rank. In second place is Team The River of Live at 3,078,000 Linden dollars / 12,314 USD, at Crimson rank. In third place is Caming For A Cure with 2,724,000 Linden dollars / $10,897 USD, also at Crimson level.

Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!

Cartoon of The Day: Getting Scrappy

 Remember the cartoon of Scooby and Shaggy a few weeks ago? We had one alternative caption sent by Drac Zagato. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

Friday, May 3, 2024

Reminder: Sunbeamer Air Show Tomorrow

 Just a reminder, the Relay for Life's Sunbeamer (and Roos) Air Show is going on tomorrow, Saturday May 4. It is scheduled from about 8 AM to 5 PM tomorrow. Sadly, the aerobatic team may not show up due to RL problems with some of the team. But everything else is set.

Linden Lab Updates Terms of Service, Child Avatars Completely Barred From Adult Sims, Now Need "Modesty Layer"

Yesterday on Thursday May 2, residents logging in were told they would have to read and sign an updated Terms of Service. At the same time, there was an announcement in the official blog, "Enhancing Our World Together: Important Updates For The Second Life Community."

Our priority has always been to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all while preserving the freedom of expression that makes our virtual world so special. That’s why we’re working to further enhance the safety and protection of the Second Life platform. These efforts include strengthening some of our community and employee policies as well as evaluating improvements to our age verification process. 

One area of ongoing scrutiny both internally and externally concerns child-presenting avatars. We recognize and want to acknowledge the vibrant community of residents who enjoy roleplaying as such, and we also feel that it is crucial to reinforce our stance that sexualized ageplay is strictly prohibited. Today, we are updating our Child Avatar Policy to ensure a clear separation and to safeguard all community members. We know that this update has the potential to cause confusion or concern in our community, so we’ve prepared an FAQ which we will continue to update as questions come up.

As before, actions of a sexual nature between adult and child avatars (which includes teens and "tweenagers") is strictly forbidden, and will result in being banned. And as before, child avatars are  barred from places that are a clearly adult nature. Also, content intended for child avatars, and this includes teens and "tweens", cannot be of a suggestive manner. There were two additions that are likely to draw at least a few complaints. One was that child avatars cannot enter any sim rated Adult, even if the area itself has no sexual or violent or anything else clearly adult around. Also, the way child avatars are made has to change. While under the old policy genitals were not allowed, under the new one this isn't enough. Even if nothing "bad" shows, child avatars cannot appear nude at all and now need a "modesty layer" in their skin, "Child avatar content creators are required to add a modesty layer which is baked into child avatar skins or bodies, is not transparent, does not match the skin tone, and may not be removed."
The Lab did state, "Merely having a childlike avatar does not violate this policy. It is not our intent to banish childlike avatars in and of themselves." This likely means tiny avatars. 

Later that day, one Relay event would he affected. The Sunbeaver Moon Dance takes place in one of the community sims, and a few years ago, the sim rating had been changed to Adult out of worries that Linden Lab would boot consenting adult avatars from activity done behind closed doors. So when Purple Tears' team captain, Wateru Kohime, showed up, he had to change. 

"So stupid," he would later tell me, "Everyone on an adult sim is supposed to be over 18, who cares what we look like? I could be a dwarf that looks exactly like myself but has a big beard and that's perfectly fine, but shave my face and suddenly I have to go?

"I think the way it was before was perfectly fine. Child avatars are okay on an adult sim as long as nothing 'adult' is going on. That's basically what they want to prevent, so as it stood, the rules already prevented it. Like most rules/laws, it only really affects the people that follow them. The people that want to go and break the rules are still going to go and break the rules."

There is a thread in the official forums about the ToS changes. Reading the first five pages, on the whole, people approved of the changes. One poster would comment, "Think it's Linden Lab just covering their you-know-what.  A lot of people are so sensitive on things nowadays.  As a business owner (a bar) I've noticed how the clientele has changed over the years. I've seen some patrons joking and one threatened a lawsuit on the other.  Old times they would laugh it off.  Same thing here. The Lab has to deal with much more regulation stuff then when Philip started the Lab eons ago." One other person wondered if a few venue owners might start booting out everyone who was short or of a certain body type without checking profiles. A third pointed out because some were tired of reading such a long list of ToS without a clue of what changed and what didn't, the Lab needed to make double certain word was getting around. A fourth worried some might try to abuse the rules, "I can easily see these rules being weaponized by bad actors who have a grudge against, say, anime-style avatars."

What do you the readers think? Please comment below.

Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: Benefit Concert, Monday May 6, For Homes Four Our Troops

 Frets Nirvana, longtime supporter and contact for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life in conjunction with the US Military Veterans Group, announces the April 2024 benefit for the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops at Veteran’s Isle .

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT 379 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR EXTREMELY INJURED VETERANS.”

Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle. TheMay 6, 2024 concert is scheduled from 4-8 pm PST.  Featured artists will be DJ Yume Yoshikawa and performers RJ Wheels,Agatha Nowles and Frets Nirvana.

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.  To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday May 4

    At 10 AM PST   

    Humans In Space: Part 1
    By Phil Youngblood, PHD
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Scenes From The Fairelands

 Quite a bit has been going on at the Fantasy Faire. On Sunday April 28, the roleplay by the Children of Stories "The Desert Foxes" came to it's conclusion. The unnatural eclipse was still going on, the well was dry, and the magical creatures were getting sick and ill. It all ended with a fundraising party.

Yours truly will try to have more up. But the story had a happy ending, with the well restored, the eclipse gone, and the magical beings once again healthy and happy, "Oh my wings, how I've missed you."
Wildstar Beaumont also took some pictures, which you can find (here). 
On Tuesday April 30, I would come across an "after the roleplay" meeting and discussion by some of the people. One detail was that Loki Eliot before the roleplay had announced he wasn't going to be present, and a few friends of his had also declined to take part. But others came on anyway, feeling the purpose of the event, to raise money to fight cancer, was just too important.

On Wednesday May 1 was the Parade of Centaurs, a lap around the Fairelands by the four-footed folk of the Jinx community that's become a Fairelands tradition, of which all were invited to join.

There were many well-done avatars present, only some which could be pictured here. Once again, Wildstar had some pictures (here).

There's still several days left to enjoy the Fantasy Faire. It goes on until Tuesday May 7. While the sims may stay up until Midnight, in some past Faires people couldn't tp in some hours before that. 

Bixyl Shuftan

Reader Submitted: Last Night at Bellisseria's Anniversary Event

 From Traci Quandry-Marabana (Traci Quandry)

 "Fireworks at the last event (of the) closing event at the fairgrounds celebrating Bellisseria 5th anniversary."

Traci would say in Bellisseria chat, "sometimes my pics can be serious ....sometimes."

Announcement: Furry Fashion's Seventeenth Anniversary

 FF's 17th birthday will be celebrated on may 5th with back to back events 2pm to 8pm in the lounge, if anyone wants to donate towards the prize fund or sponsor via giftcards or products etc feel free to poke a admin to drop it on them!